- 列印出執行時間差
- 不同機器跑出來的時間不同誤差
- 同樣的機器跑同樣的程式也會有誤差
- 計算時間的測量本身也會有誤差
Big O 比時間更好衡量效能的指標
- is a way to formalize fuzzy counting
- how the runtime of an algorithm grows as the inputs grow
- algorithm is o(f(n)) if the number of simple operations the computer has to do
- algorithm is eventually less than a constant times f(n) as n increases
- constant/linear/quadratic
- arithmetic operations are constant
- variable assignment is constant
- accessing elements in an array(by index) or object(by key) is constant
- in a loop, the complexity is the length of the loop times the complexity of whatever happens inside of the loop
- 趨近無限大,常數可忽略,只看次方最大的
- 巢狀迴圈看要跑的次數,若為常數時間複雜度不會增加
空間複雜度: 使用記憶體的量
- 基礎型別空間複雜度是 O(1)
- n 長度的字串空間複雜度是 O(n)
- n 個元素陣列跟 n 個 keys 的物件等 ref types 通常是 O(n)
Big O of objects
- Fast, but no order
- Most constant
Big O of arrays
- When you need order and fast access
what an algorithm is:
- devise a plan to solve algorithms
- compare and contrast a problem solving patterns including frequency counters, 2 pointer problem and divide and conquer
problem solving
understand the problem
can i restate the problem in my own words? a add b
what are the inputs that go into the problem ints? floats? what about string of large numbers
what are the outputs that should come from the solution to the problem int? float? string?
can the outputs be determined by the inputs?( do i have enough info to solve the problem)
how should i label the important pieces of data that are a part of the problem
explore concrete examples
- user stories
- start with simple examples -> complex
- empty inputs/ invalid inputs
- 可以問:需要回傳不在單字內的字母數量嗎
- “my phone number is 191231” // 需要數空白嗎 大小寫敏感嗎 數字忽略嗎
- () “” 回傳 null undefined?
break down problem
- 寫下步驟,幫助了解整體規劃
solve or simplify
- 先做出核心邏輯,找出 pattern 再處理複雜的
loop back and refactor
- 結果正確嗎
- 有其他種寫法嗎
- 可以一看就懂嗎
- 可以複用在其他情境嗎
- 可以優化效能嗎
- 有其他重構或優化的方法嗎
- 其他人怎麼解的
- 優化版